A mistake that we all make when we go to a beach Share it on Facebook
The benefits of just a walk on the beach are well known, and for many of us, the beach is the first choice for recreation. After all, there are more than a few people who swim in the sea all year, especially in Crete where temperatures do not drop low in the winter season. Old Cretans, especially in the southern coastal Crete, say "We don't have winter here".
Many times because of our longing to be on the beach of our choice, and dive quickly in the sea, we are led to the mistake of wearing flip flops or slippers when driving a car.
A mistake that can be fatal, for us, our family, and others, as the flip-flop, or the slipper, can get snagged on the car floor, and the pedal may not be pressed in the way we want, at a critical moment while driving.
Prefer shoes or sandals that well fitted on foot. Never while driving flip-flops or slippers.